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Sunday, February 13, 2011

" Indivisble ", a Book review

Author, Kristen Heitzmann, delivered in the book,
" Indivisble",
various forms of emotion as characters, "Jonah Westfall", police chief, " Tia ", his childhood friend, turned love interest ( though taking many years to develop that relationship ), " Lucy/Lizzy ", two complex characters that both made me want to know more, and both scared me in thier mysteriousness throughout the course of the book. Both, which made me want to know more in reading this book, myself, being a twin , though not conjoined.. And my favorite characters ," Piper and Sarge ", two souls united by his anger at the world, and her need to feel wanted/ loved.. All these characters make up a small town where mysterious animal deaths take place. As these animal cruelty situations take place, many instances happen where each character become entwined with each other, whether good or bad..

Even as gruesome as that may be, there is a plot that drew me into finding out why each of the main characters acted in the ways they did. A read that, in all honesty, started out slow for me, in which I didn't know if I would have continued on. But, wondering how in the book a wild animal, part coyote, part dog could bring out something good, I stuck with it, and was glad I did.
This is a book not for those wanting a love story, or, even easy reading. It was difficult to get thru in a good sort of way, but hard on the emotions for someone who loves animals.. I would recommend to someone who likes the mystery, and pyschological suspence genre.. For those looking for romance, this is not really what you will find in the book material, nor will you find bad language..that is a Plus in my recommending this book.

"I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review"


Michelle said...

I have been looking at this book and wondering about it.
I'm still not sure it's one I would want to read.
Thank you for your review.

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Alene said...

Great review. Totally off the subject - loved your poem in ST this month! Love your blog too. Love all you do! Blessings friend.